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Please Note:  I, Marcia Brandt, retired in 2016.  I created this page because the district webpages were not able to provide for our needs.  You should no longer be directed to these pages but if you are reading this, the district's webpages still need huge improvements.

Mrs. Brandt has retired!

After 35 years as a Teacher Librarian (Media Specialist), Mrs. Brandt has retired.  Her first six years were as librarian at Gardner South Wilmington High School.  She spent the next 29 in the Herscher District, first serving Herscher and Bonfield K-8 buildings, 

and then adding Reddick Grade to her responsibilities when the RUCE district joined Herscher CUSD2.


Mrs. Brandt says the most challenging year was 2012-13 as they prepared the libraries to reconfigure for grade centers, closing RGS.



School Libraries...

    Libraries allow children to ask questions about the world and find the answers. And the wonderful thing is that once a child learns to use a library, the doors to learning are always open.


— Laura Bush



    "What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education."


— Harold Howe, II, former U.S. Commissioner of Education



       Filter a website, and you protect a student for a day. Educate students about online safety in the real world environment, and you protect your child for a lifetime.



— Christopher Harris

  School libraries are the great equalizer. Contrary to public opinion, not every kid in America has access to the Internet.



— Carol Daniels, Principal of London Elementary School in Ohio

     I'm not comfortable being preachy, but more people need to start spending as much time in the library as they do on the basketball court.

— Kareem Abdul-Jabbar



The most important asset of any library goes home at night – the library staff.

— Timothy Healy


" this era of Google, when today's students are flooded with an unprecedented volume of information...It's not enough for children to know how to read - they must be proficient critical thinkers...the reality is that all too often today's students lack the ability to analyze information found online.

— Carl Harvey



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